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Open Access#12011

Moralpolitik og marketing – Dansk Folkepartis brug af pressemeddelelser ; Moralpolitik og marketing – Dansk Folkepartis brug af pressemeddelelser [Moral politics and marketing – The use of press releases by Dansk Folkeparti]


Open Access#22016

Evidensbaseret politikudvikling:Brudflader mellem forskning og bureaukrati ; Evidence-based policy-making:a field of mutual misunderstandings

In: Vohnsen , N H 2016 , ' Evidensbaseret politikudvikling : Brudflader mellem forskning og bureaukrati ' , Tidsskriftet Antropologi , bind 72 , s. 39-60 .


Open Access#32015

Danish Experiences with Coalition Governments and Coalition Governance

In: Christiansen , F J & Klemmensen , R 2015 , Danish Experiences with Coalition Governments and Coalition Governance . i H L Madsen (red.) , Coalition Building : Finding Solutions Together . Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy - DIPD , København , s. 26-43 .


Open Access#42013

Politics, pleasure, violence: Swedish defence propaganda in social media ; Politics, Pleasure, Violence: Swedish Defence Propaganda in Social Media


Open Access#52022

Covid-19 i Danmark: Ind i og ud af krisen ; Covid-19 in Denmark: In and out of the crisis


Open Access#62003

Nye udfordringer for ASEAN-landene: Integration, terror og magtbalancer


Open Access#72005

"Doch das bei weitem schwierigste Ehehindernis ist das der Verwandtschaft": Forbidden Marriage Between Incest Taboo and the Fortune of the Noble Family in 17th-18th-Century Germany


Open Access#82013

Krig og fred i Mali: Baggrund og perspektiver


Open Access#92013

Irans risikable isolation: Sanktionerne set fra Teheran


Open Access#101989

Miljøbeskyttelse - et implementeringsproblem ; Environmental Protection in Denmark: A problem of Implementation [in Danish]

In: Andersen , M S 1989 , ' Miljøbeskyttelse - et implementeringsproblem ' , Politica , bind 21 , nr. 3 , s. 312-328 .


Open Access#112015

Arktis og Ukrainekrisen: Perspektiver for rigsfælleskabet


Open Access#122014

10 YEARS AFTER NATO MEMBERSHIP:An anniversary in the shadow of a crisis

In: Vestenskov , D (red.) 2014 ' 10 YEARS AFTER NATO MEMBERSHIP : An anniversary in the shadow of a crisis ' Forsvarsakademiets Forlag , FAK , s. 1-112 .


Open Access#132009

South Africa and the SADC Stand-by Force

In: Mandrup , T 2009 , ' South Africa and the SADC Stand-by Force ' , Scientia Militaria : South African Journal of Military Studies , bind 37 , nr. 2 , s. 1-24 .