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Open Access#12014

Mechanisms of improving institutional capacities of the state to prevent hate speech and hate crimes


Open Access#22015

Political violence and globalization: Challenges of democracy development


Open Access#32022

Suppression Of Organized Crime and Serbia's Accession to the European Union ; Сузбијање организованог криминалитета и приступање Србије Европској унији


Open Access#42012

Political changes and their impact on security and strategic concepts of defense


Open Access#52017

Political ideologies: The mediating forms and parasitical contents (social democracy, conservatism, nationalism, populism)


Open Access#62015

POLITICAL ABSTINENCE OF WOMEN IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ; Politička apstinencija žena u Bosni i Hercegovini


Open Access#72021

Financial Investigation and Adequacy of State Response to Property Crime : (Norm and Practice in The Republic of Serbia) ; Финансијске истраге и адекватност одговора државе на имовински криминал : (норма и пракса у Републици Србији)


Open Access#82020

Анализа примене нових законских решења у сузбијању корупције у Републици Србији ; Analysis of the Application of New Legal Solutions in Supression of Corruption in the Republic of Serbia


Open Access#92012

Police subculture's impact on the efficiency of financial investigations


Open Access#102019

Interdependence between constitutional order and political parties: Three cases of Germany: 70 years of the Basic Law


Open Access#112020

Uticaj atributa negativnih političkih reklamnih poruka i karakteristika mladih glasača na stav prema političkim kandidatima ; The effects of attributes of negative political advertising messages and characteristics of young voters on the attitude towards political candidates


Open Access#122019

Politički koreni dirkemovog shvatanja uloge vaspitanja i obrazovanja ; Political roots of durkheim's understanding of role of upbringing and education


Open Access#132015

Constitutional and political nature of Decision of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Ustavnopravnopravna i politička priroda Odluka Visokog predstavnika u Bosni i Hercegovini


Open Access#142021

The Twilight of the Liberal International Order, The Dialectic of Political Mechanics and the New Westphalian System for the 21st Century


Open Access#152020

Činioci i struktura političke kulture mladih u Srbiji - sociopsihološki pristup ; Factors and structure of the youth political culture in Serbia - the socio-psychological approach