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International joint research project 2020

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Open Access#22018

�젙遺� 吏��썝 �솚�옄�븞�쟾 �뿰援ъ쓽 ���떦�꽦 寃��넗 ; Feasibility Study of Government-Sponsored Patient Safety Research


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Open Access#102012

정부출연 비영리 연구재단 설립과정 비교 분석 ; 고구려연구재단과 동북아역사재단 설립사례를 중심으로


Open Access#112019

Metagenomic analysis of isolation methods of a targeted microbe, Campylobacter jejuni, from chicken feces with high microbial contamination


Open Access#122005

援곕퀝�썝 媛꾪샇議곗쭅臾명솕�� 議곗쭅�꽦怨쇱뿉 愿��븳 �뿰援� ; A Study on the Relationship between Nursing Organizational Culture of Military Hospital and Organizational Performance


Open Access#132010

Numerical Study of Game Theory


Open Access#142020

정책 모빌리티(policy mobility)의 관점에서 본 '서울로 7017'의 정당화와 변용 ; Legitimation and Mutation of 'Seoullo 7017' : Through the lens of policy mobility


Open Access#152012

사회적 지지가 자기효능감, 자아탄력성을 매개로 공군 병사의 군 생활 적응에 미치는 영향 ; Effects of the social support perceived by airmen on the adjustment to military life through the mediation of self-efficacy and ego-resilience