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Open Access#111762016

Ar Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais užtikrinama kokybiška sveikatos priežiūra asmenims atliekantiems laisvės atėmimo bausmę? ; Does the Legislation of the Republic of Lithuania Ensure Quality of Health Care for the Persons under Sentence of Imprisonment?


Open Access#11177

COGNITIVE MOBILIZATION IN PLANNING CONFLICT. Values and democratic implications in two southern-Europe insurgent practices


Open Access#111782014

Ar Lietuvos Respublikos teisinė sistema užtikrina moters nediskriminavimą darbo rinkoje? ; Does the Law System of the Republic of Lithuania Ensure the Non-Discrimination of Women in Labour Market


Open Access#111792017

Life and death in the daily: reflections with the professional of the health ; La vida y muerte en el cotidiano: las reflexiones con el profesional de la salud ; Vida e morte no cotidiano: reflexões com o profissional da saúde


Open Access#111802017

Life and death in the daily: reflections with the professional of the health ; La vida y muerte en el cotidiano: las reflexiones con el profesional de la salud ; Vida e morte no cotidiano: reflexões com o profissional da saúde


Open Access#111812019

Antrinės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos x padalinių veiklos procesų optimizavimas ; Optimisation of activity processes in the units of the secondary health care organization x


Open Access#111822019

Antrinės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos x padalinių veiklos procesų optimizavimas ; Optimisation of activity processes in the units of the secondary health care organization x


Open Access#111832009

Ar mediatoriaus konfidencialumo pareiga mediacijoje yra absoliuti? ; Is the duty of confidentiality placed upon mediators absolute?


Open Access#111842009

Ar mediatoriaus konfidencialumo pareiga mediacijoje yra absoliuti? ; Is the duty of confidentiality placed upon mediators absolute?


Open Access#111852009

Ar mediatoriaus konfidencialumo pareiga mediacijoje yra absoliuti? ; Is the duty of confidentiality placed upon mediators absolute?


Open Access#111862008

Political Leadership and Economic Reform : The Brazilian Experience in the Context of Latin America


Open Access#111872009

XIII-XX a. Lietuvos teisinės sistemos istorija ; The history of the legal system of Lithuania (the 13th-20th centuries)


Open Access#111882009

XIII-XX a. Lietuvos teisinės sistemos istorija ; The history of the legal system of Lithuania (the 13th-20th centuries)


Open Access#111892009

XIII-XX a. Lietuvos teisinės sistemos istorija ; The history of the legal system of Lithuania (the 13th-20th centuries)


Open Access#111902009

XIII-XX a. Lietuvos teisinės sistemos istorija ; The history of the legal system of Lithuania (the 13th-20th centuries)