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Open Access#12020

Свакодневна култура у постсоцијалистичком периоду / Everyday Culture in Post-Socialist Period


Open Access#22018

Poststructuralist Backgrounds: the Political Strategies of Resistance in the Literary- Theoretical Debates during the 1960–1970s in Bulgaria ; Постструктуралистские предпосылки: политические стратегии сопротивления в литературоведческих дебатах в 1960–1970-х годах в Болгарии


Open Access#32017

Съвременно състояние на системата за защита на населението при бедствени ситуации в Р.България


Open Access#42017

Construction of the Geopolitical Space of the Geopolitics of the Sea in the Context of Establishing the International Legal Framework ; Konstrukcija geopolitičkog prostora geopolitike mora u kontekstu uspostave suvremenog međunarodnog pravnog okvira


Open Access#52020

The Readers of the National Library of Russia in XIX – Beginning of XXI Century ; Čitalačka publika Nacionalne biblioteke Rusije u 19. i početkom 21. stoljeća


Open Access#62020

Concept of Membership in BIH Libraries: From Self-Management Towards Participation ; Koncept članstva u bh. bibliotekama: od samoupravljanja k participaciji


Open Access#72021

O Bošnjacima, islamu i socijalizmu ; About Bosniaks, Islam and Socialims


Open Access#82021

Otvaranje i rad muslimanskih čitaonica u manjim mjestima Bosne i Hercegovine početkom 20. stoljeća ; Opening and Operation of Muslim Reading Rooms in Smaller Places of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Beginning of the 20th Century


Open Access#92020

Ideja o osnivanju Univerziteta u Sarajevu početkom 20. stoljeća: austrougarska vlast u Bosni i Hercegovini između kulturne misije i političke realnosti ; The Idea of Establishing the University of Sarajevo at the Beginning of 20th Century: Austro-Hungarian Authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina Between...


Open Access#102011

Informal patient payments and public attitudes towards these payments: evidence from six cee countries


Open Access#112019

Ideologija, klasa i pitanje političke subjektivizacije u Bosni i Hercegovini ; IDEOLOGY, CLASS, AND THE QUESTION OF POLITICAL SUBJECTIVIZATION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA


Open Access#122021

Muslimanski utjecaj na pravnu reformu kralja Henryja II u Engleskoj u XII stoljeću ; Muslim Influence on the Legal Reform of King Henry II in England in the XII Century


Open Access#132017

Dynamika współczesnego słownictwa słowiańskiego w przestrzeni stylowo-funkcjonalnej ; Stylistic and Functional Aspects in the Dynamics of Modern Slavic Vocabulary


Open Access#142021

Bošnjaci i Bosna: Studija iz filozofije politike ; Bosniaks and Bosnia: A Study in Philosophy of Politics