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Open Access#12003

Complex equality, shared understandings, and social criticism: Michael Walzer's political philosophy


Open Access#22003

Subaltern public spheres on the Internet: a case study of a Chinese online discussion board


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Open Access#81999

Nusikalstamumo tendencijos ir jo prevencijos perspektyvos Lietuvoje (kriminologinis prognostinis aspektas) ; Crime tendencies and perspective of its prevention in Lithuania (Criminological prognostic aspect)


Open Access#91999

Nusikalstamumo tendencijos ir jo prevencijos perspektyvos Lietuvoje (kriminologinis prognostinis aspektas) ; Crime tendencies and perspective of its prevention in Lithuania (Criminological prognostic aspect)


Open Access#102000

Remembering the Tiananmen incident: a longitudinal study of media representations in Hong Kong, 1989-1999


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Open Access#122001

Consumption and modernity in a village in South China


Open Access#131999

The practice of marginality: a study of the subversiveness of Blackbird


Open Access#142002

Teorijos ir praktikos santykis valdyme bei jurisprudencijoje: sinegretinė paradigma ir filosofiniai jos aspektai ; Relation of practise and theory in government and jurisprudention: synergetic paradigmus and its philisophical aspects


Open Access#152002

Teorijos ir praktikos santykis valdyme bei jurisprudencijoje: sinegretinė paradigma ir filosofiniai jos aspektai ; Relation of practise and theory in government and jurisprudention: synergetic paradigmus and its philisophical aspects