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Open Access#82017

Dynamika współczesnego słownictwa słowiańskiego w przestrzeni stylowo-funkcjonalnej ; Stylistic and Functional Aspects in the Dynamics of Modern Slavic Vocabulary


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Open Access#102020

Ustavnopravni vidiki načela samoodločbe naroda: preko Slovenije do Katalonije ; Constitutional aspects of the principle of self-determination of the nation: via Slovenia to Catalonia


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Open Access#152017

KOMPARATIVNI VIDIKI UČINKOVITOSTI POLITIK RAZVOJNE POMOČI V KONTEKSTU ODNOSOV SEVER-JUG NA PRIMERU SKUPINE DRŽAV AFRIKE, KARIBOV IN PACIFIKA ; Comparative aspects of the efficiency of development aid policies in terms of North-South relations in the case of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group o...

In: Maribor