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Open Access#22000

State the building and conflict resolution in colombia, 1986-1994


Open Access#32019

The Late Construction of Portugal Welfare State: The Failure of the Social Corporatist State (1933-1974)



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Open Access#5

The Aim of the State: the Common Good ; El fin del Estado: el bien común


Open Access#72016

The state, the constitution and the market economy ; El estado, la constitución y la economía de mercado


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Open Access#92018

La nueva ley de medidas cautelares contra el Estado Nacional: The new law on preventive measures against the National State ; The new law on preventive measures against the National State: The new law on preventive measures against the National State ; La nueva ley de medidas cautelares contra el Es...


Open Access#10

Un pueblo, dos estados: participación mapuche en el estado en Argentina y Chile ; One people, two States: Mapuche participation in the State. The cases of Argentina and Chile


Open Access#112021

Etnografiar al estado: el modelo de 'igualdad' para los pueblos minoritarios ; Ethnographing the state: the 'equality' model for minority peoples


Open Access#132018

El Sistema Na cional Anticorrupción a la luz del paradigma del Estado constitucional y democratico de derecho: The National Anti-corruption System in light of the paradigm of the Constitutional State and the Democratic Legal State ; The National Anti-corruption System in light of the paradigm of the...


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