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Open Access#12012

Målsättning riksdagen : Ett aktörsperspektiv på nya partiers inträde i det nationella parlamentet ; Making the Breakthrough : An Agency-Centred Perspective on New Party Entrance into National Parliaments


Open Access#22012

Målsättning riksdagen : Ett aktörsperspektiv på nya partiers inträde i det nationella parlamentet ; Making the Breakthrough : An Agency-Centred Perspective on New Party Entrance into National Parliaments


Open Access#32019

Ustavna sredstva parlamentarne opozicije po predlagani spremembi Ustave republike Slovenije ; Constitutional means of the parliamentary opposition by the proposed change of the Constitution of the republic of Slovenia


Open Access#42007

Mellan massan och Marx : en studie av den politiska kampen inom fackföreningsrörelsen i Hofors 1917-1946


Open Access#52020

Diplomatsko reševanje nacionalnih konfliktov v Cislajtaniji ; Diplomatically Solving of National Conflicts in Cisleithania


Open Access#62020

From the Athens Charter to the "Human Association": Challenging the Assumptions of the Charter of Habitat


Open Access#72021

Internacionalizacija visokega šolstva v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem po implementaciji bolonjskega procesa ; Internationalisation of Higher Education in Slovenia and the Netherlands After the Implementation of the Bologna Process


Open Access#82019

Iron triangles and subsidies: understanding the long-term role of the government on Swedish commercial fisheries


Open Access#92012

VLOGA DEMOSA V PROCESU SLOVENSKE OSAMOSVOJITVE IN DEMOKRATIZACIJE ; The role of Demos – Democratic Oposition of Slovenia in the process of Slovenian independence and democratization

In: Ljubljana


Open Access#102008

Energy use in farm buildings


Open Access#112008

Från diversity management till mångfaldsplaner? Om mångfaldsidéns spridning i Sverige och Malmö stad


Open Access#122019

Vloga in izzivi Varnostnega sveta OZN pri uveljavljanju odgovornosti zaščititi ; The Role and Challenges of the UN Security Council in the enforcement of the Responsibility to Protect


Open Access#132017

Informationsteknik och avvägningar mellan individens frihet och statsmakt : - En analys av svenska riksdagsdebatter


Open Access#142018

Vrednotenje modela in delovanja nacionalne digitalne koalicije: primer Republike Slovenije ; Evaluation of the model and the functioning of the national digital coalition - the case of the Republic of Slovenia

In: Maribor


Open Access#152019

Položaj prizadetih državljanov po izstopu ZK iz EU ; The Status of Affected Citizens after the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU