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Constitutional documents of the United States of America, 8, Addenda et corrigenda

In: Constitutions of the world from the late 18th century to the middle of the 19th century

In: America Vol. 1



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Open Access#32022

Processi di integrazione in America latina: il valore del formante giurisprudenziale


Open Access#42021

Conceptual History and Political Philosophy. Toward a Situated Analysis of Political Concepts in Latin America ; Storia concettuale e filosofia politica. Verso un'analisi situata dei concetti politici in America Latina


Open Access#52021

L'Acuerdo de Escazú: il primo trattato sull'ambiente in vigore in America Latina


Open Access#62021

L' Acuerdo de Escazú : il primo trattato sull'ambiente in vigore in America Latina


Open Access#72020

Crisi e riforme istituzionali in America Latina. Tra denunce di golpe di stato e stabilizzazione del caudillismo


Open Access#82020

Economic protectionism of the United States of America towards the People's Republic of China in the era of Donald Trump from the perspective of offensive realism ; Protekcjonizm gospodarczy Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki wobec Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej w dobie Donalda Trumpa z perspektywy realizmu ...


Open Access#92020

Involvement of the United States of America in Resolving the 2011 Libya Crisis ; Zaangażowanie Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki w rozwiązanie kryzysu w Libii z 2011 roku


Open Access#102019

Rozgłośnie BBC World Service, Radio France Internationale i Voice of America w komunikowaniu międzynarodowym : od propagandy do dyplomacji publicznej


Open Access#112018

Italia, America Latina, Cile: dalla Seconda guerra mondiale ai primi anni della Guerra fredda


Open Access#122017

Strategic Partners hip between Georgia and the United States of America in 1992–2009 ; Partnerstwo strategiczne Gruzji ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki w latach 1992–2009


Open Access#132016

Stosunek Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki i Federacji Rosyjskiej wobec polityki bezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej po 1989 roku ; The attitude of the United States of America and the Russian Federation to the Republic of Poland's security policy in the second decade of the 21st century


Open Access#142010

La scuola, gli indigeni e lo Stato in America Latina, ovvero Bourdieu e la riproduzione inceppata



America Latina: riforme economiche e sviluppo democratico

In: Politica internazionale: rivista bimestrale dell'IPALMO, Volume 19, p. 5-63

ISSN: 0032-3101

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