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Open Access#12008

The relationship between economic development and institutional environment ; Ekonomikos plėtros ir institucinės aplinkos tarpusavio ryšys


Open Access#22019

The output gap and youth unemployment: an analysis based on Okun's law


Open Access#32019

The output gap and youth unemployment: an analysis based on Okun's law


Open Access#42018

Growth effect of public debt: the role of government effectiveness and trade balance


Open Access#52018

Growth effect of public debt: the role of government effectiveness and trade balance


Open Access#62013

Lietuvos konkurencingumo pokyčių vertinimas Europos Sąjungos šalių kontekste ; Estimation of Lithuania's competitiveness in context of the EU member states


Open Access#72013

Lietuvos konkurencingumo pokyčių vertinimas Europos Sąjungos šalių kontekste ; Estimation of Lithuania's competitiveness in context of the EU member states


Open Access#82008

BVP ir infliacijos kitimo skirtumų ir bendros pinigų politikos optimalumo sąryšis ; The relation between differences of GDP growth and inflation rates and optimality of common monetary policy


Open Access#92008

BVP ir infliacijos kitimo skirtumų ir bendros pinigų politikos optimalumo sąryšis ; The relation between differences of GDP growth and inflation rates and optimality of common monetary policy


Open Access#102007

The relation between social capital, governance and economic performance in Europe


Open Access#112007

The relation between social capital, governance and economic performance in Europe


Open Access#122007

The Relation Between Social Capital, Governance and Economic Performance in Europe


Open Access#132010

Assessment of use of scientific and technological potential of Lithuania under conditions of global econo­my ; Lietuvos mokslinio ir technologinio potencialo panaudojimo vertinimas globalios ekonomikos sąlygomis


Open Access#142010

Assessment of use of scientific and technological potential of Lithuania under conditions of global econo­my ; Lietuvos mokslinio ir technologinio potencialo panaudojimo vertinimas globalios ekonomikos sąlygomis


Open Access#152010

Pasaulio šalių ekonominių skirtumų analizė institucinės aplinkos kontekste ; The analysis of differences in economic performance among the world countries in the context of institutional environment