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Article(electronic)#1December 20, 2023

Mass Holidays in the Daily Life of the Population of Urban Settlements of Arctic Yakutia 1950–1980-s (Based on the Materials of the Verkhoyansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Issue 12, p. 285-291

ISSN: 2223-6449

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Paints of Old Believer Carved Icons of the Lower Pechora: Technical, Technological, Historical, and Archival Aspects of Study

In: Izvestija Ural'skogo federalʹnogo universiteta: Ural Federal University journal. Serija 2, Gumanitarnye nauki = *Series 2*Humanities and arts, Volume 25, Issue 2, p. 226-236

ISSN: 2587-6929

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