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Open Access#32020

Kolonialismus und Befreiungskämpfe in aktuellen mosambikanischen Geschichtsschulbüchern ; Colonialism and the liberation struggles in current Mozambican History Textbooks


Open Access#42020

Decolonising images? The liberation script in Mozambican history textbooks


Open Access#52020

Decolonising images? The liberation script in Mozambican history textbooks


Open Access#72010

The negotiation of meanings in the evening news : towards an understanding of gender disadvantages in the access to the public debate



Collective memories of Portuguese colonial action in Africa: representations of the colonial past among Mozambicans and Portuguese youths

In: International journal of conflict and violence: IJCV, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 28-44

ISSN: 1864-1385

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Collective Memories of Portuguese Colonial Action in Africa: Representations of the Colonial Past among Mozambicans and Portuguese Youths

In: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Volume 4, Issue 1, p. 28-44

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Open Access#102019

Social representations of history in the global south: remembering the colonial past from the margins


Open Access#112018

Social representations of Latin American history and (post)colonial relations in Brazil, Chile and Mexico


Open Access#122018

Social Representations of Latin American History and (Post)Colonial Relations in Brazil, Chile and Mexico


Open Access#132017

Social representations of Latin American history and (post)colonial relations in Brazil, Chile and Mexico



Mulheres cientistas? A representação das mulheres na ciência nos livros didáticos de história em Portugal

In: Cadernos pagu, Issue 67

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