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Open Access#42006

Charting the State of Social Cohesion in Hong Kong


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Open Access#82016

"One country, two systems": Sociopolitical implications for female migrant sex workers in Hong Kong


Article(electronic)#9December 23, 2013

Modelling of tsunami-like wave run-up, breaking and impact on a vertical wall by SPH method

In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Volume 13, Issue 12, p. 3457-3467

ISSN: 1684-9981

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Article(electronic)#10February 11, 2011

Numerical modelling of extreme waves by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. 419-429

ISSN: 1684-9981

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Open Access#132019

Mental health workers perceptions of disaster response in China


Open Access#142017

The solidarity and health neutrality of physicians in war & peace


Open Access#152017

Gaming disorder: its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management, and prevention