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Open Access#22009

Economía política de la reforma de las políticas del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional en África subsahariana. El caso del Chad


Article(electronic)#3April 21, 2022

China in Africa: Assessing the Consequences for the Continent's Agenda for Economic Regionalism

In: Politics and governance, Volume 10, Issue 2, p. 61-70

ISSN: 2183-2463

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Open Access#42020

Oil in Chad and Equatorial Guinea: Widening the focus of the resource curse


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World Affairs Online

Article(electronic)#7May 18, 2012

HIV/AIDS policies in Mozambique and the new aid architecture: successes, shortcomings and the way forward

In: The journal of modern African studies: a quarterly survey of politics, economics & related topics in contemporary Africa, Volume 50, Issue 2, p. 225-252

ISSN: 1469-7777

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#92005

Regionalismo y estrategias de desarrollo en África : implicaciones y retos del Acuerdo de Cotonú y del NEPAD



Open Access#102005

Regionalismo y estrategias de desarrollo en África : implicaciones y retos del Acuerdo de Cotonú y del NEPAD


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Open Access#122014

A political economy approach of India in Senegal. A "win-win" partnership?


Article(electronic)#13May 5, 2021

Integración y transformación económica en África: potencial y limitaciones del Área de Libre Comercio Continental Africana

In: Iberoamerican journal of development studies: IJCLR, Volume 10, Issue 1, p. 216-239

ISSN: 2254-2035

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Open Access#142020

Are EU's Economic Partnership Agreements Developmental? An Assessment of the Southern African Region


Open Access#152014

Are EU's Economic Partnership Agreements developmental? an assessment of the southern African Region ; Los Acuerdos de Asociación Económica de la UE como instrumento de desarrollo : análisis de caso de África Austral
