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Open Access#12020

Legal Position of the Regional Electoral Commission for Conducting Voting in the Circuit and the Regional Electoral Commission for Determining the Results of Voting in the Circuit – de lege lata and de lege ferenda Postulates in the Light of the 2018 Local Self-government Elections ; Pozycja prawna ...


Article(electronic)#2July 22, 2021

Influence of Hybrid Legal Institutions on the Management in Local Government on the Example of the Institution of Public-Private Partnership

In: Lex localis: journal of local self-government, Volume 19, Issue 3, p. 805-835

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Open Access#32020

Change of Composition of Voivodeship Board as a Result of Changing Its Statute in the Context of Keeping Principles of Polish Structural Administrative Law ; Zmiana składu zarządu województwa jako skutek zmiany statutu województwa w kontekście zachowania zasad polskiego ustrojowego prawa administrac...