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Article(electronic)#1November 30, 2022

The Visible Cash Effect with Prepaid Incentives: Evidence for Data Quality, Response Rates, Generalizability, and Cost

In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology: JSSAM, Volume 11, Issue 5, p. 991-1010

ISSN: 2325-0992

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Article(electronic)#2February 16, 2022

Measuring Political Knowledge and Not Search Proficiency in Online Surveys

In: International journal of public opinion research, Volume 34, Issue 1

ISSN: 1471-6909

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Article(electronic)#3April 29, 2016

Polarized Opinions on Racial Progress and Inequality: Measurement and Application to Affirmative Action Preferences

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Volume 38, Issue 3, p. 481-498

ISSN: 1467-9221

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Harder Than It Looks: Coding Political Knowledge on the ANES

In: Political analysis: PA ; the official journal of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Volume 21, Issue 4, p. 393-406

ISSN: 1476-4989

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Article(electronic)#9March 2002

Sources of Civic Orientation Among American Youth: Trust, Religiious Valuation, and Attributions of Responsibility

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 1, p. 113-132

ISSN: 1467-9221

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Sources of Civic Orientation among American Youth: Trust, Religious Valuation, and Attributions of Responsibility

In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 1, p. 113-132

ISSN: 0162-895X

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The Second Coming of the New Christian Right: Patterns of Popular Support in 1984 and 1996

In: Social science quarterly, Volume 80, Issue 1, p. 181-192

ISSN: 0038-4941

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Article(electronic)#13November 27, 2019

Optimal Response Formats for Online Surveys: Branch, Grid, or Single Item?

In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology: JSSAM, Volume 9, Issue 1, p. 1-24

ISSN: 2325-0992

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Article(electronic)#14August 1, 2022

A randomized experiment evaluating survey mode effects for video interviewing

In: Political science research and methods: PSRM, Volume 11, Issue 1, p. 144-159

ISSN: 2049-8489

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Article(electronic)#15April 17, 2024

Validating the "Genuine Pipeline" to Limit Social Desirability Bias in Survey Estimates of Voter Turnout

In: The public opinion quarterly: POQ, Volume 88, Issue 2, p. 268-290

ISSN: 1537-5331

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