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Open Access#42006

Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: from the White Carpathians ; Modèle de programmation mathématique pour l'analyse des politiques agri-environnementales : application aux Carpathes Blanches


Open Access#52006

Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: from the White Carpathians ; Modèle de programmation mathématique pour l'analyse des politiques agri-environnementales : application aux Carpathes Blanches


Open Access#62006

Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: from the White Carpathians ; Modèle de programmation mathématique pour l'analyse des politiques agri-environnementales : application aux Carpathes Blanches


Open Access#72006

Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: from the White Carpathians ; Modèle de programmation mathématique pour l'analyse des politiques agri-environnementales : application aux Carpathes Blanches


Open Access#82014

Implications of alternative metrics for global mitigation costs and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture


Open Access#102014

How effective are the sustainability criteria accompanying the European Union 2020 biofuel targets?


Open Access#112018

China's livestock transition:Driving forces, impacts, and consequences

In: Bai , Z , Ma , W , Ma , L , Velthof , G L , Wei , Z , Havlík , P , Oenema , O , Lee , M R F & Zhang , F 2018 , ' China's livestock transition : Driving forces, impacts, and consequences ' , Science Advances , vol. 4 , no. 7 , eaar8534 .


Open Access#122019

Deliverable 2.3 Resumé on performance of EU food systems towards European FNS and SDGs


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Open Access#152017

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture without compromising food security?