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Article(electronic)#1December 12, 2023

Integrando los registros de 50 años de investigación: arqueología del paisaje rural en Astigarribia (Gipuzkoa, País Vasco)

In: Munibe. Antropologia, arkeologia

ISSN: 2172-4555

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Article(electronic)#2October 1, 2021

Baserri-paisaiaren geoarkeologia Zizurkilen (Gipuzkoa): Erdi Arotik XXI. mendera

In: Munibe. Antropologia, arkeologia

ISSN: 2172-4555

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Article(electronic)#3February 15, 2023

Caracterización bioestratigráfica mediante foraminíferos planctónicos de los términos basales del Flysch Calcáreo (Cretácico Superior) entre Andoain e Irun (Pirineos occidentales)

In: Munibe. Ciencias naturales = Natur zientziak

ISSN: 2172-4547

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Open Access#42017

Mantle exhumation and metamorphism in the Basque‐Cantabrian Basin (NSpain): Stable and clumped isotope analysis in carbonates and comparison with ophicalcites in the North‐Pyrenean Zone (Urdach and Lherz)


Open Access#62011

Anthracological analysis of an Early PPNB roof from Tell Qarassa North (southern Syria)


Open Access#72020

Palaeoenvironmental context of the Neolithic Park of Los Cascajos (Navarre, Spain): Quimioestratigraphy of the Holocena sedimentary sequence of the River Odrón ; Contexto paleoambiental del yacimiento Neolítico de Los Cascajos (Navarra, España): Quimioestratigrafía de la secuencia sedimentaria holoc...


Open Access#82012

Squaring the circle. Social and environmental implications of pre-pottery neolithic building technology at Tell Qarassa (South Syria)


Open Access#92020

A palaeoenvironmental perspective of prehistoric salt exploitation in the Villafáfila wetlands (Tierra de Campos, Zamora) ; Una perspectiva paleoambiental de la explotación de la sal en las Lagunas de Villafáfila (Tierra de Campos, Zamora)


Open Access#102018

A middle palaeolithic wooden digging stick from Aranbaltza III, Spain


Open Access#112022

Human forager response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka on the Atlantic coast of Europe


Open Access#122015

Human–landscape interactions in the Conquezuela–Ambrona Valley (Soria, continental Iberia): From the early Neolithic land use to the origin of the current oak woodland