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Open Access#21585

A declaratioun of the Kings Maiesties intentioun and meaning toward the lait actis of Parliament


Open Access#51653

Sir Walter Raleigh's observations, touching trade & commerce with the Hollander, and other nations, as it was presented to K. James wherein is proved, that our sea and land commodities serve to inrich and strengthen other countries against our owne . ; Observations, touching trade & commerce with th...


Open Access#61624

These are to certifie you that the bearer hereof, by name Angelus Jacobi, a merchant of Cyprus, sayling out of Egypt unto Creet, fell most vnfortunately into the hands of Turkish pirats


Open Access#71624

By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish daies, appointed by the law to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people


Open Access#81623

By the King. A proclamation restrayning the carrying of munition to Algeeres and Tunis ; Proclamations. 1623-04-06



Open Access#111621

By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament


Open Access#121621

By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament


Open Access#131620

By the King. A proclamation for restraint of the disordered trading for tobacco ; Proclamations. 1620-06-29


Open Access#141620

By the King. A proclamation commanding conformity to his Maiesties pleasure, expressed in his late charter to the tobacco-pipe-makers ; Proclamations. 1620-05-27


Open Access#151619

An abstract of some branches of His Maiesties late charter, granted to the tobacco-pipe makers of VVestminster, declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching that manufacture, and also all persons whom it may concern