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Open Access#32010

Multinationale Investoren in den Neuen Ländern: Wandel in der Motivlage und differenzierte Wahrnehmung der Standortqualität


Open Access#42009

EU-Kommission, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft und IWH diskutieren Innovationspolitik in Transformationsregionen


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Open Access#72012

Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies - A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages

In: Giroud , A , Jindra , B & Marek , P 2012 , ' Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies - A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages ' World Development , vol 40 , no. 11 , pp. 2206-2220 . DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.03.018


Open Access#82009

Ausländische Investoren und einheimische Zulieferer in Transformationsökonomien: Was befördert positive externe Effekte?


Open Access#92008

Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries


Article(electronic)#10February 23, 2019

Social upgrading and cooperative corporate social responsibility in global value chains: the case of Fairphone in China

In: Global networks: a journal of transnational affairs, Volume 19, Issue 3, p. 371-393

ISSN: 1471-0374

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Determinants of foreign technological activity in German regions: a count model analysis of transnational patents (1996 - 2009)

In: IWH-Diskussionspapiere 2013,12



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Article(electronic)#14June 15, 2015

European Integration and Outward FDI from Central and Eastern Europe – Is There Any Evidence of Knowledge‐seeking?

In: Journal of common market studies: JCMS, Volume 53, Issue 6, p. 1248-1267

ISSN: 1468-5965

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World Affairs Online