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Open Access#32010

How does community context influence coalitions in the formation stage? a multiple case study based on the Community Coalition Action Theory



Article(electronic)#5March 18, 2020

Evaluation Methods Commonly Used to Assess Effectiveness of Community Coalitions in Public Health: Results From a Scoping Review

In: New directions for evaluation: a publication of the American Evaluation Association, Volume 2020, Issue 165, p. 139-157

ISSN: 1534-875X

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Open Access#62016

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Smoke-Free Policies in Multi-Unit Housing in Georgia


Article(electronic)#7December 28, 2012

Differences in Perceptions of the Home Food and Physical Activity Environment Among Adult Dyads

In: Environment and behavior: eb ; publ. in coop. with the Environmental Design Research Association, Volume 46, Issue 3, p. 329-352

ISSN: 1552-390X

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Open Access#82014

Factors associated with support for smoke-free policies among government workers in Six Chinese cities: a cross-sectional study



Open Access#92014

Factors associated with support for smoke-free policies among government workers in six Chinese cities: a cross- sectional study


Open Access#112022

Tobacco-related risk perceptions, social influences and public smoke-free policies in relation to smoke-free home restrictions: findings from a baseline cross-sectional survey of Armenian and Georgian adults in a community randomised trial


Open Access#122020

Smokers' and Nonsmokers' Receptivity to Smoke-Free Policies and Pro- and Anti-Policy Messaging in Armenia and Georgia


Article(electronic)#13November 17, 2016

Promoting Policy and Environmental Change in Faith-Based Organizations: Description and Findings From a Mini-Grants Program

In: American journal of health promotion, Volume 31, Issue 3, p. 192-199

ISSN: 2168-6602

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Open Access#142010

Cancer Control Planners' Perceptions and Use of Evidence-Based Programs


Book(electronic)#15202111 versions available

Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Social Equity, 4th edition

Akemi Piatt, Amber; Asari, Marisa Ruiz; Avila, Magdalena; Bazell, Nickie; Beaulieu, Lionel J.; Becker, Adam B.; Blanchard, Lynn; Bluethenthal, Anne; Butterfoss, Frances D.; Butterfross, Frances Dunn; Cacari Stone, Lisa; Came, Heather; Catalani, Caricia; Chang, Charlotte Yu-Ting; Chang, Charlotte; Chen, Roxana; Coleman, Wayland X.; Coleman, Wayland; Coombe, Chris M.; Corburn, Jason; Cuestas, Shaddai Martinez; Dorfman, Lori; Eng, Eugenia; Epstein, Nancy; Estrada, Jessica; Falbe, Jennifer; Farquhar, Stephanie A.; Gonzalez, Prisila; Griffin, Joseph; Griffith, Derek M; Griffith, Derek M.; Grover, Leslie; Gutiérrez, Lorraine M.; Gutiérrez, Lorraine; Hancock, Trevor; Hennesey; Hennessey Lavery, Susana; Hines, Reva; Homan, Mark S.; Hyde, Cheryl A.; Israel, Barbara A.; Iton, Antony B.; Johnson, Whitney; Kegler, Michelle C.; Kirschenbaum, Josh; Kretzmann, John P.; Labonté, Ronald; Lacet, Blishda; Lee, Pam Tau; Lewis, Edith A.; Lifshay, Jennifer; Linnan, Laura A.; Linnan, Laura; Liu, Shaw San; Martinson, Marty; McKnight, John L.; Minkler, Meredith; Minkler, Meredith; Mitchell, Christine; Morello-Frosch, Rachel; Morgan, Mary Anne; Ni, Angela; Obama, Barack; Parker, Edith A.; Passmore, Susan R.; Pastor, Manuel; Pies, Cheri A.; Pinsky, Clara; Rebanal, R. David; Roe, Kathleen M.; Rowe, Zachary; Ruiz Asari, Marisa; Salvatore, Alicia L.; Sanchez-Youngman, Shannon; Schulz, Amy J.; Sen, Rinku; Shulz, Amy J.; Staples, Lee; Stone, Lisa Cacari; Su, Celina; Themba, Makani; Thomas, Stephen B.; Torre, Maria Elena; Torre, María Elena; Vandommelen-Gonzalez, Evan; Visser, Dierde; Visser, Dierdre; Wakimoto, Patricia; Wakimoto, Patricia; Wallerstein, Nina; Wolff, Tom; Wysen, Kirsten



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