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Open Access#22016

Dimensionality of the European Issue Space

In: Kleinnijenhuis , J & Krouwel , A P M 2016 , Dimensionality of the European Issue Space . in J Fivaz & M Bühlmann (eds) , Political Representation – Roles, representatives and the represented . Routledge Research on Social and Political Elites , Routledge , London and New York , pp. 99-116 .


Open Access#32006

Issue news and corporate reputation: Applying the theories of agenda setting and issue ownership in the field of business communication

In: Meijer , M M & Kleinnijenhuis , J 2006 , ' Issue news and corporate reputation: Applying the theories of agenda setting and issue ownership in the field of business communication ' , Journal of Communication , vol. 56 , no. 3 , pp. 543-559 .



Issue news and electoral volatility

In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 413-437

ISSN: 0304-4130

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World Affairs Online


Veranderende verhoudingen tussen dagbladen en politieke partijen

In: Acta politica: AP ; international journal of political science ; official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor Wetenschap der Politiek), Volume 24, Issue 4, p. 433-460

ISSN: 0001-6810

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Open Access#62016

The impact of the explosion of EU news on voter choice in the 2014 EU Elections

In: Kleinnijenhuis , J & van Atteveldt , W 2016 , ' The impact of the explosion of EU news on voter choice in the 2014 EU Elections ' , Politics and Governance , vol. 4 , no. 1 , pp. 104-115 .


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Parties, media, the public and the economy: patterns of societal agenda-setting

In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Volume 28, Issue 1, p. 95-118

ISSN: 0304-4130

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World Affairs Online

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Een theorie over evaluatieve betogen -- naar netwerkanalyse van journalistieke teksten

In: Acta politica: AP ; international journal of political science ; official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor Wetenschap der Politiek), Volume 20, Issue 3, p. 291-330

ISSN: 0001-6810

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Kiezers en issues: over politiek-inhoudelijke afweging

In: Acta politica: AP ; international journal of political science ; official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor Wetenschap der Politiek), Volume 15, Issue 3, p. 289-318

ISSN: 0001-6810

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Open Access#142007

A test of rivaling approaches to explain news effects: A multi-wave panel study of agenda setting, social and economic conditions, the tone of the news, and horse race news

In: Kleinnijenhuis , J , van Hoof , A M J , Oegema , D & de Ridder , J A 2007 , ' A test of rivaling approaches to explain news effects: A multi-wave panel study of agenda setting, social and economic conditions, the tone of the news, and horse race news ' , Journal of Communication , vol. 57 , no. 2 , pp. 366-384 .


Open Access#152017

VAAs as sources of volatility and fragmentation: self-selection effects and genuine effects

In: Kleinnijenhuis , J , van der Pol , J P , van Hoof , A M J & Krouwel , A P M 2017 , ' VAAs as sources of volatility and fragmentation: self-selection effects and genuine effects ' , Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties , vol. 27 , no. 1 , pp. 75-96 .