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Open Access#52017

Szanse realizacji Strategii Europa 2020 (2010-2020) ; Chances for the Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy


Open Access#62015

The modernization of the economy of a poorly developed region through the construction of the Knowledge-Based Economy on the example of the Lublin Region in Eastern Poland (2006-2020/30)


Open Access#72014

Economic Conditions of the Economic and Monetary Union Crisis


Open Access#82013

Policy of Promoting European Funds in the Activities of Polish Regional Governments on the Example of Lublin Province (2007-2013) ; Polityka promowania Funduszy Europejskich w działalności samorządów wojewódzkich na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego (2007-2013)


Open Access#92012

Supporting the development of the information society infrastructure by the European Union funds in the Lublin region (2007-2013) ; Wspieranie rozwoju infrastruktury społeczeństwa informacyjnego z funduszy Unii Europejskiej w województwie lubelskim (2007-2013)


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