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Open Access#22018

Research Project Evaluation—Learnings from the PATHWAYS Project Experience


Article(electronic)#3August 28, 2015

A Pilot Study on Function and Disability of Aging People with Down Syndrome in Italy

In: Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities: official journal of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Volume 12, Issue 4, p. 303-311

ISSN: 1741-1130

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Article(electronic)#5January 9, 2014

Social capital and self-rated health among older adults: a comparative analysis of Finland, Poland and Spain

In: Ageing and society: the journal of the Centre for Policy on Ageing and the British Society of Gerontology, Volume 35, Issue 3, p. 653-667

ISSN: 1469-1779

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Open Access#62019

Chronic Diseases & Employment: An Overview of Existing Training Tools for Employers


Open Access#72020

Employment and Chronic Diseases: Suggested Actions for The Implementation of Inclusive Policies for The Participation of People with Chronic Diseases in the Labour Market


Open Access#82020

Employment and Chronic Diseases: Suggested Actions for The Implementation of Inclusive Policies for The Participation of People with Chronic Diseases in the Labour Market


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Open Access#102017

Loneliness, social networks, and health: A cross-sectional study in three countries


Open Access#112019

Policy guidelines for effective inclusion and reintegration of people with chronic diseases in the workplace: national and european perspectives


Open Access#122018

Policy Guidelines for Effective Inclusion and Reintegration of People with Chronic Diseases in the Workplace: National and European Perspectives


Open Access#132014

Factors associated with active aging in Finland, Poland, and Spain


Open Access#14

Factors associated with active aging in Finland, Poland, and Spain