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Geographies of Mediterranean Europe

In: Springer Geography Ser.



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Open Access#32018

Planificación y gestión territorial del turismo = Planning and territorial management of tourism


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Open Access#5

The "Europe 2020 Strategy" as a vision to emerge from the crisis: an overall interpretation


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Open Access#72021

Liberalization and Governance in the Geographical Distribution of Pharmacies in Spain


Open Access#82017

Recent infrastructure policy and the integration of the metropolitan system in Spain: an analysis of winning and losing areas


Open Access#92016

La mutante lectura geográfica de las montañas gallegas: de su «dificultad de estudio» a «periferia en muy acusada crisis» ; Transformative Geographical Readings on the Galician Mountains: from the «difficulty of their study» to considering them a spatial «periphery in deep economic depression»


Open Access#102010

El problemático recorrido de la ordenación del territorio en Galicia ; The troubled path of the territorial planning in Galicia


Article(electronic)#11November 23, 2006

« Se loger dans le passé »: La récupération emblématique de l'Hostal des Rois Catholiques de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en hôtel de luxe

In: Espaces et sociétés, Volume n o 126, Issue 3, p. 159-177

ISSN: 0014-0481

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Brazilian Geography: In Theory and in the Streets

In: Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences



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Article(electronic)#13January 25, 2019

Commodifying Lisbon: A Study on the Spatial Concentration of Short-Term Rentals

In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, p. 33

ISSN: 2076-0760

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Open Access#142018

Planning, Territorial Policies and Areas of Competence of States' Governors in the Recent Federalist Dynamic in Brazil: The Case of Bahia ; Planificación, políticas territoriales y competencias de los gobernadores de los estados en la reciente dinámica del federalismo brasileño: el caso de Bahia ; P...


Open Access#152017

Impacts of the New Urban Lease Law and the Non-Regular Resident Tax Regime on Housing Affordability and Urban Regeneration in Lisbon's Historic Centre