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Article(electronic)#1December 21, 2020

Waqf as a Political Weapon: A Legal Confrontation between Two Christian Institutions in Eighteenth-century Ottoman Damascus

In: Endowment studies, Volume 4, Issue 1-2, p. 92-124

ISSN: 2468-5968

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Open Access#22012

Verbrennung von Aktiniden aus Leichtwasserreaktoren in modularen Hochtemperaturreaktoren zur Reduzierung langlebiger Nuklide ; Transmutation of actinides from light water reactors in modular high-temperature reactors for the reduction of long-lived nuclides


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Article(electronic)#4April 10, 2015

The World the Bedouin Lived in: Climate, Migration and Politics in the Early Modern Arab East

In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient: Journal d'histoire économique et sociale de l'orient, Volume 58, Issue 1-2, p. 21-55

ISSN: 1568-5209

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Beyond the Islamic Revolution: perceptions of modernity and tradition in Iran before and after 1979

In: Worlds of Islam volume 8

In: Welten des Islams - Worlds of Islam - Mondes de l'Islam 8

In: De Gruyter eBook-Paket Geschichte



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