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Article(electronic)#1March 20, 2023

Operational Groups of the NKGB and a Reconstruction of the Soviet Security Apparatus in Axis Occupied Ukraine, 1943–44

In: East/West: journal of Ukrainian Studies, Volume 10, Issue 1, p. 81-112

ISSN: 2292-7956

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World Affairs Online

Article(electronic)#3August 13, 2019

From the "Russian Spring" to the Armed Insurrection: Russia, Ukraine and Political Communities in the Donbas and Southern Ukraine

In: The soviet and post-soviet review, Volume 47, Issue 1, p. 3-38

ISSN: 1876-3324

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Institutional and economic problems of formation of business environment in Ukraine

In: Ukrainian society, Volume 2012, Issue 1, p. 99-114

ISSN: 2518-735X

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Book(electronic)#520232 versions available

World War II as an identity project: historicism, legitimacy contests, and the (re-)construction of political communities in Ukraine, 1939–1946

In: Ukrainian voices 28



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Open Access#62020

Аграрна реформа П.А. Столипіна та її вплив на становище селян Лівобережної України ; P.A. STOLYPIN'S agrarian reform and its impact on the situation of farmers in Left-Bank Ukraine


Open Access#72019

Concept and features of religious marriage ; El concepto y las características de un matrimonio religioso ; Поняття та особливості реглігійнго шлюбу


Open Access#82019

Concept and features of religious marriage


Open Access#92019

Правове підґрунтя аграрної реформи 1861 р. в Україні ; Lega l basis of the agr icultura l reform of 1861 in Ukraine


Open Access#102018

Соціально-правове становище селянства Правобережної України першої половини XIX століття ; Socialand legal status of the age of right-bank Ukraine for the first half of the XIX centuries

In: Порівняльно-аналітичне право: електронне наукове фахове видання;№ 5 (С. 37-41)


Article(electronic)#12July 29, 2022

Political causes of the Ukrainian revolution: theoretical aspects of the issue

In: Cuestiones Políticas; edición de julio de 2022, Volume 40, Issue 73, p. 570-582

ISSN: 2542-3185

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