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Memória e experiência com crianças e jovens vivendo com HIV/Aids: um ensaio autoetnográfico

In: Saúde em Debate, Volume 46, Issue spe7, p. 237-250

ISSN: 2358-2898

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Memory and experience with children and young people living with HIV/AIDS: an autoethnographic essay

In: Saúde em Debate, Volume 46, Issue spe7, p. 237-250

ISSN: 2358-2898

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Accession of children and adolescents to anti-retroviral therapy: strategies for care

In: Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, Volume 5, Issue 5, p. 82-94

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An essay on the chronicity of living with HIV/AIDS in childhood, adolescence, and youth

In: Saúde em Debate, Volume 46, Issue spe7, p. 251-263

ISSN: 2358-2898

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Um ensaio sobre a cronicidade do viver com HIV/Aids na infância, adolescência e juventude

In: Saúde em Debate, Volume 46, Issue spe7, p. 251-263

ISSN: 2358-2898

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