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Open Access#21633

The survey of London containing the original, increase, modern estate and government of that city, methodically set down : with a memorial of those famouser acts of charity, which for publick and pious vses have been bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors : as also all the ancient and...


Open Access#31623

The theater of honour and knight-hood. Or A compendious chronicle and historie of the whole Christian vvorld Containing the originall of all monarchies, kingdomes, and estates, with their emperours, kings, princes, and gouernours; their beginnings, continuance, and successions, to this present time....


Open Access#41605

Falshood in friendship, or vnions vizard: or VVolues in lambskins 1. Discouering the errors in vniust leagues. 2. That no subiect ought to arme himselfe against his king for what pretence soeuer. 3. An aduertisement to those fewe of the nobilitie which take part with infamie. ; Masque de la Ligue et...


Open Access#61590

The coppie of the Anti-Spaniard made at Paris by a French man, a Catholique. Wherein is directly proued how the Spanish King is the onely cause of all the troubles in France. Translated out of French into English. ; Coppie de l'Anti-Espagnol. English