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Article(electronic)#1March 9, 2022

'In a hospital bed or … out doing Indiana Jones': older Irish men's negotiations of cultural representations of ageing

In: Ageing and society: the journal of the Centre for Policy on Ageing and the British Society of Gerontology, Volume 43, Issue 11, p. 2721-2744

ISSN: 1469-1779

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Open Access#22021

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Lives and Retirement Timing of Older Nurses in Ireland


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Article(electronic)#4August 31, 2016

Gender and age implications of extended working life policies in the US and Ireland

In: Critical social policy: a journal of theory and practice in social welfare, Volume 37, Issue 3, p. 464-483

ISSN: 1461-703X

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Gender, ageing and longer working life: cross-national perspectives

In: Ageing in a global context

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Article(electronic)#11December 2015

Les femmes, les hommes et l'emploi en période d'austérité: l'Irlande, l'Italie et le Portugal dans une perspective comparée

In: Revue internationale du travail, Volume 154, Issue 4, p. 493-519

ISSN: 1564-9121

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Article(electronic)#12December 2015

Género y trabajo en tiempos de austeridad. Análisis comparado de Irlanda, Italia y Portugal

In: Revista internacional del trabajo, Volume 134, Issue 4, p. 485-511

ISSN: 1564-9148

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Article(electronic)#13December 2015

Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy and Portugal in comparative perspective

In: International labour review, Volume 154, Issue 4, p. 449-473

ISSN: 1564-913X

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Book(print)#1520232 versions available

Well-being and extended working life: a gender perspective

In: Gender and well-being

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