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Article(electronic)#1June 28, 2023

Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and National Security –: A Serbian Case Study

In: Politička misao: croatian political science review = Political thought, Volume 60, Issue 2, p. 122-148

ISSN: 1846-8721

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#42009

Theoretical postulations of civilian-military relations ; Teorijske postavke civilno-vojnih odnosa


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Article(electronic)#6February 3, 2020

Political discourse, military and securitization of health nexus: contemporary security challenges and the military role in public health security

In: Srpska politička misao: Serbian political thought, Volume 66, Issue 4/2019, p. 45-75

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Open Access#82016

Implementation of the Gender Perspective in the Undergraduate Curriculum of the Faculty of Security Studies


Open Access#92013

Understanding the concept of military culture ; Razumevanje koncepta vojne kulture


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Open Access#112011

Defense system integrity building and corruption risk combating: Experiences of NATO and Partnership for Peace member countries


Open Access#122011

Defense system integrity building and corruption risk combating: Experiences of NATO and Partnership for Peace member countries ; Izgradnja integriteta u sistemu odbrane i suzbijanje rizika od korupcije - iskustva NATO i zemalja Partnerstva za mir


Open Access#132015

The role of the Serbian armed forces in humanitarian health action and fight against biological threats ; Uloga oružanih snaga Srbije u humanitarnoj akciji zaštite zdravlja i borbi protiv bioloških pretnji