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19 results

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Open Access#12021

CARMENES detection of the Ca II infrared triplet and possible evidence of He I in the atmosphere of WASP-76b


Open Access#22021

Evidence of energy-, recombination-, and photon-limited escape regimes in giant planet H/He atmospheres


Open Access#32020

CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs: V. Luminosities, colours, and spectral energy distributions


Open Access#42021

Modelling the He I triplet absorption at 10 830 angstrom in the atmospheres of HD 189733 b and GJ 3470 b


Open Access#52020

CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs: V. Luminosities, colours, and spectral energy distributions


Open Access#62020

Modelling the He I triplet absorption at 10 830 Å in the atmosphere of HD 209458 b


Open Access#72020

Modelling the He i triplet absorption at 10 830 A in the atmosphere of HD 209458 b


Open Access#82020

Is there Na i in the atmosphere of HD 209458b?: Effect of the centre-to-limb variation and Rossiter-McLaughlin effect in transmission spectroscopy studies


Open Access#92020

A He I upper atmosphere around the warm Neptune GJ 3470 b


Open Access#102020

The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: A super-Earth planet orbiting HD 79211 (GJ 338 B)


Open Access#112020

The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: A super-Earth planet orbiting HD 79211 (GJ 338 B)


Open Access#122019

He I lambda 10 830 angstrom in the transmission spectrum of HD 209458 b


Open Access#132018

Detection of He i λ10830 Å absorption on HD 189733 b with CARMENES high-resolution transmission spectroscopy


Open Access#142019

Water vapor detection in the transmission spectra of HD 209458 b with the CARMENES NIR channel


Open Access#152019

A giant exoplanet orbiting a very-low-mass star challenges planet formation models

Ribas, I; López-González, M. J; Caballero, J. A; Cortés-Contreras, M; Amado, Pedro J; Abellán, F. J; Abril, Miguel; Barrado y Navascués, David; Cárdenas Vázquez, María Concepción; Claret dos Santos, Antonio; Colomé, J; Salas, J. F. López; Gesa, L; González-Álvarez, E; González-Peinado, R; González Hernández, J.I; Mandel, H; Guàrdia, J; Guijarro, A; Hatzes, A. P; de Guindos, E; Pavlov, A; Hauschildt, P. H; Hedrosa, R.P; Arabi, R.H; Hermelo, I; Otero, F. Hernández; Huber, A; Huke, P; Hintz, D; Johnson, E. N; Kemmer, J; Kim, M; de Juan, E; Klüter, J; Labarga, F; Klutsch, A; Rabaza, O; Labiche, N; Lalitha, S; Lara, Luisa María; Lampón, M; Schäfer, S; Launhardt, R; Lázaro, F. J; Llamas, M; Lizon, J. -L; Lodieu, N; López-Santiago, J; Magán Madinabeitia, H; López del Fresno, M; Mall, U; Marfil, E; Marín Molina, J.A; Mancini, L; Martín, Eduardo Lorenzo; Martín-Ruiz, Susana; Martín-Fernández, P; Sota, A; Martínez-Rodríguez, H; Marvin, C. J; Moya, A; Mirabet, E; Czesla, S; Naranjo, V; Nelson, R. P; Nowak, G; Nortmann, L; Ofir, A; Pedraz, S; Medialdea, D. Pérez; Pascual, J; Pérez-Calpena, A; Ballesta, A. Ramón; Rebolo, R; Perryman, M. A. C; Redondo, P; Rodler, F; Rix, H. -W; Fernández-Martín, A; Trinidad, A. Rodríguez; Sabotta, S; Salz, M; Sadegi, S; Vargas, M. L. García; Sánchez-Blanco, E; Sánchez Carrasco, M.A; Sanz-Forcada, J; Sánchez-López, A; Sarkis, P; Schlecker, M; Schmitt, Jürgen H. M. M; Sarmiento, L. F; Schöfer, P; Stahl, O; Stock, S; Solano, E; Stuber, T; Suárez, J. C; Stürmer, J; Holgado, G; Tabernero, H. M; Tulloch, S. M; Vico-Linares, J. I; Veredas, G; Kehr, M; Vilardell, F; Wagner, K; Wolthoff, V; Winkler, J; Yan, F; Díez-Alonso, E; Dorda, R; Osorio, M. R. Zapatero; Emsenhuber, A; Ferro, I.M; Fuhrmeister, B; Fernández, M; Galadí-Enríquez, D; García-Piquer, A; Cava, I. Gallardo