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Open Access#12017

Tafeltrauben als Einschleppungsweg für neue Schadorganismen an Wein ; Table grapes as a pathway for new pests on grapevine


Open Access#22003

Plant quarantine as a measure against invasive alien species: the framework of the International Plant Protection Convention and the plant health regulations in the European Union


Open Access#32020

Neue Schadorganismen – neue Risiken für Gehölze? ; New harmful organisms - new risks for woody plants?


Open Access#42017

Potential spread of kiwifruit bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae) in Europe ; Dissémination potentielle du chancre bactérien du kiwi (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae) en Europe ; Пoтeнциaльнoe pacпpocтpaнeниe бaктepиaльнoгo paкa киви (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae) в Eвp...


Open Access#52017

Potential spread of kiwifruit bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae) in Europe


Open Access#62020

EFSA guidelines for emerald ash borer survey in the EU


Open Access#72018

Identification of new pests likely to be introduced into Europe with the fruit trade


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