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Article(electronic)#3February 3, 2020

Strike And Power(Lessness) Of The Union

In: Srpska politička misao: Serbian political thought, Volume 66, Issue 4/2019, p. 207-232

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Strikes and the power/lessness of the union

In: SEER: journal for labour and social affairs in Eastern Europe, Volume 22, Issue 2, p. 225-244

ISSN: 1435-2869

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Open Access#62014

Populizam i manjkava demokratija - slučaj Srbija


Open Access#72013

Political corruption and weak state ; Politička korupcija i slaba država


Open Access#82011

Party ideologies, European political space and Serbia ; Partijske ideologije, evropski politički prostor i Srbija


Open Access#92010

Contribution to research of social capital ; Prilog istraživanju socijalnog kapitala


Open Access#102008

Status of democracy and assumptions and conditions for its embedment and consolidation in Serbia ; Status demokratije i pretpostavke i uslovi njenog ukorenjivanja i konsolidacije u Srbiji


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Open Access#132019

European elections: Results, messages and lessons ; Evropski izbori - rezultati, poruke i pouke


Open Access#142018

The populist zeitgeist in "pro-european" Serbia


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World Affairs Online