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Open Access#22020

Dynamic model for solving problems of minimax management of young specialists employment in the regional labor market in the presence of risks


Open Access#32018

Integral Evaluation of the Investment Effectiveness into Universities Development


Open Access#42018

A deterministic dynamic model of optimizing university training structure


Article(electronic)#5August 23, 2023

Inclusive Horizons of the Anthropological Crisis of Modernity

In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Issue 8, p. 42-49

ISSN: 2223-6449

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Article(electronic)#6July 19, 2023

Topical Issues of the Inclusion Formation as a Universal of Modern Culture: Experience of Russia and its Key Partners

In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Issue 7, p. 50-55

ISSN: 2223-6449

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Open Access#82020

Конкуренция между вузами: концептуальный анализ ; Competition among Universities: Conceptual Analysis


Open Access#92020

Драйверы развития региональных систем высшего образования ; Drivers for development in regional higher education