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Open Access#42022

Оценка в китайском и русском официальных политических дискурсах в эпоху пандемии COVID-19: (на материале выступлений глав КНР и РФ на Всемирном экономическом форуме 2021 г.) ; Evaluation in Chinese and Russian Official Political Discourses in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic


Open Access#52021

О детерминологизации специальной лексики и фразеологии сферы информационных технологий в современной китайской политической коммуникации ; On Determinologization of Information Technology Terms in Modern Chinese Political Discourse


Article(electronic)#6September 1, 2024

Teacher Enthusiasm as a Moderator in the Relationship between Teacher Self-Efficacy, Teacher Competence, and Sustainable Student Learning

In: Journal of ecohumanism, Volume 3, Issue 5, p. 142-158

ISSN: 2752-6801

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Open Access#122015

Addressing the shortage of health professionals in rural China: issues and progress: Comment on "Have health human resources become more equal between rural and urban areas after the new reform?"


Open Access#132022

Образ Китая в российских и американских СМИ ; The Image of China in Russian and American Mass Media


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