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Article(electronic)#1March 13, 2018

Party System Institutionalization and Reliance on Personal Income Taxation in Developing Countries

In: Journal of international development: the journal of the Development Studies Association, Volume 30, Issue 2, p. 274-301

ISSN: 1099-1328

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Open Access#22017

Party system institutionalization and reliance on personal income tax: Exploring the relationship using new data


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Open Access#52015

Party System Institutionalization and Reliance on Personal Income Tax in Developing Countries


Open Access#62012

Revenue structures and the question of who pays taxes: understanding the conditions under which elites pay taxes in developing countries


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Open Access#82017

Taxing Higher Incomes: What Makes the High-Income Earners Consent to More Progressive Taxation in Latin America?

In: Berens, Sarah and von Schiller, Armin orcid:0000-0001-5172-8227 (2017). Taxing Higher Incomes: What Makes the High-Income Earners Consent to More Progressive Taxation in Latin America? Polit. Behav., 39 (3). S. 703 - 730. NEW YORK: SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS. ISSN 1573-6687


Article(electronic)#9November 22, 2016

Taxing Higher Incomes: What Makes the High-Income Earners Consent to More Progressive Taxation in Latin America?

In: Political behavior, Volume 39, Issue 3, p. 703-729

ISSN: 1573-6687

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Open Access#132016

The mobilisation of sub-national revenues is a decisive factor in the realisation of the 2030 Agenda


Open Access#142016

Die Mobilisierung subnationaler Einnahmen ist ein entscheidender Faktor für die Umsetzung der Agenda 2030


Open Access#152020

Revenue collection and social policies: their underestimated contribution to social cohesion