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Open Access#52022

Diskurzivni tragovi malih država: oblikovanje identiteta i uloga Srbije i Hrvatske u Ujedinjenim nacijama ; Discursive traces of small states: shaping of Serbia's and Croatia's identities and roles at the United Nations


Open Access#72019

Од аутономије уметности до еманципације националних идентитета: естетичке или политичке идеје Бранка Лазаревића у часопису XX век? ; From the Autonomy of Art to the Emancipation of National Identities: Aesthetic or Political Ideas of Branko Lazarević in the 20th Century Journal


Open Access#82015

Military capabilities of the European Union: Problems and prospects



Politicka kultura i medjunacionalni odnosi u demokraciji

In: Politička misao, Volume 35, Issue 2, p. 25-49

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#102020

Multiculturality and multiculturalism in "Western Balkans"


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Open Access#122018

Populism and Democracy – elements of Populism in the Public Opinion in Serbia


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