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World Affairs Online


Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK: final report ; August, 31 - September, 4 2004, People's Palace of Culture, Pyongyang

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#62012

일본의 중앙-지방 관계 변화에 대한 일고: 로컬 거버넌스의 삼중고(trilemma) ; A trilemma in local governance and the Japanese intergovernmental relations


Open Access#72019

Nigeria's Inter-governmental Relations and the Current Restructuring Debate


Open Access#82017

Opportunities and Restrictions for Peru's Economic Growth in the Coming Years


Open Access#92012

경제발전전략과 개발원조의 효과성 ; Economic Development Strategy and Aid Effectiveness ; 시장주도형 대 국가주도형


Open Access#102012

한국과 이집트의 국가주도 지역사회개발정책 비교연구 ; The State-led Rural Development of Korea and Egypt in Comparative Perspective- Focusing on Institutional Path-Dependency - ; 경로의존성을 중심으로


Open Access#112012

행정절차법과 정보공개법의 제정과정 비교연구 ; Comparative Study on the Enactment Process of Administrative Procedure Act and Freedom of Information Act in South Korea ; -정책옹호연합모형(ACF)의 적용-


Open Access#122020

박정희 정권기 저축동원의 전개과정과 성격 ; The Process and Characteristics of Savings Mobilization during the Park Chung hee Regime


Open Access#132020

淸의 駐韓公館과 韓淸 近代外交 硏究 ; A Study of Modern Chinese Diplomatic Office in Korea and Sino-Korean Modern Diplomacy