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Open Access#22015

十九世紀中葉儒者對基督宗教之理解: 以姚瑩及魏源為中心 = Mid-19th century Confucians' understanding of Christianity : Yao Ying and Wei Yuan. ; Mid-19th century Confucians' understanding of Christianity: Yao Ying and Wei Yuan ; Shi jiu shi ji zhong ye ru zhe dui Jidu zong jiao zhi li jie: yi Yao Ying ji Wei Yuan wei zhong xin ...


Open Access#32015

宗教建築的"變形記": 清代杭州城市史上的天后宮與天主堂 = Tianhou temples and Catholic Church : changing religious architecture in Qing dynasty Hangzhou. ; Tianhou temples and Catholic Church: changing religious architecture in Qing dynasty Hangzhou ; 清代杭州城市史上的天后宮與天主堂 ; Zong jiao jian zhu de "bian xing ji": Qing dai Hangzhou ...


Open Access#42015

從"祠之如故"到"禮俗合一": 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研究 = From "sacrifice as the past" to "corresponding custom to ritual" : a study on local cults through Qin-Han China. ; From "sacrifice as the past" to "corresponding custom to ritual": a study on local cults through Qin-Han China ; 從祠之如故到禮俗合一: 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研究 ; 秦漢地方山川和人神祭祀研...