Open Access BASE2015

« Food activism » in Europe: changing practices, changing paradigms ; « Food activism » en Europe : changer de pratiques, changer de paradigmes


International audience ; Food-related mobilizations and protests include a wide range of practices, from collective acts by producers or consumers to organized social and political movements, from efforts taking place in small local areas to those involving national or international scales of action. Starting from a large and inclusive definition of « food activism », this paper aims to discuss on forms, ideas and practices of food activism that we can observe in Europe. What are the boundaries of food activism and how can we study it? What kinds of economy do « food activists » imagine or practice? What positions do activists defend and what political strategies do they employ inside Europe? Using two case studies - the international Slow Food movement and vegetable baskets systems like AMAP - I will put forward some hypotheses about the paradigms and practices of such activism. Discussing food activism allows us to understand not only the changes that occur over time in the forms of mobilization and their aims, but also links and connections between different food activisms. And it allows us to reflect also about our paradigms and our practices of research. ; Qu'elles soient locales, nationales ou internationales, les mobilisations et les contestations liées à l'alimentation regroupent un large éventail de pratiques allant des actions collectives de producteurs ou de consommateurs aux mouvements sociaux et politiques structurés. À partir d'une définition large et inclusive de la notion de, ce texte explore diverses formes, conceptions et pratiques du food activism observables en Europe. Comment pouvons-nous analyser le food activism et quelles sont ses limites ? Quels types d'économie imaginent ou pratiquent les food activists ? Quels types de positions défendent-ils et quelles stratégies mettent-ils à l'œuvre en Europe ? À partir de deux cas d'étude – le mouvement international Slow Food et les systèmes de paniers de légumes de type AMAP –, il s'agira d'avancer quelques hypothèses concernant les paradigmes et ...

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