Open Access BASE2007

Relations entre des dynamiques territoriales et la construction de compétences : les territoires ne sont plus ce qu'ils étaient !


Une synthèse de la thèse accompagne ce document de 470 p. au début (p 1-21) ; The Government is involved in the revitalisation of areas In this context, it is important to understand how an area in the midst of industrialisation develops a strategy allowing it to build itself up on the best possible foundations. To analyse a situation, various parameters need to be taken into account, for example the past will influence the planning of the future. Using this hypothesis, three resources whereby those concerned use mechanisms proposed by politicial entities (Region, State, Europe) intersect. The study of the ship building industry of Saint Nazaire, focusing on the organisation of networks and devices to help in the restructuring process, has led to us following the pathway of this production system which benefits middle and small companies. But we cannot understand the construction of a manufacturing system locally if we do not subscribe to a more extended policy. Between the local and the global, are other regional scales. Between metallurgy and other business sectors, there are numerous pathways and 'passers by' who learn to work in partnership on joint projects. These projects have meant that those concerned learn to cooperate and work towards a common objective aimed at benefiting the development of an industrial sector in the area in question. Development relies on a shared common project supported by actions taken by influential persons working towards the evolution of the area. The work carried out locally can influence the direction taken by national and European programmes. One must understand to react and understand the industrial evolution of an area so as to perpetuate its development. ; Les nouvelles dynamiques de développement local questionnent les politiques publiques, dédiées à la construction des compétences d'un système productif territorial. A partir d'une patiente investigation, qui nous amène à construire la scénarisation d'une aventure territoriale d'une vingtaine d'années, nous avons ...

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