Open Access BASE2016

Governance and social innovation : the municipal center of action social of Besançon (1972-2016) ; Gouvernance et innovation sociale : le centre communal d'action sociale de Besançon (1972-2016)


The Municipal Centers of Social Action (MCSA), main tools implemented and used by municipalities in promoting solidary policies, is providing what is well known under the name of a "facultative assistance", regarding the traditional help of Departmental councils, the leader in this domain on their territories. In Besançon, since 1972, the MCSA is recognize as well advanced and innovative. However, in the last couple of years, the MCSA usage has declined and its influence has been increasing. In this context of doubt, the institution has made the wish to provide the framework for the analysis and an expertise expanding on the sociology of social policies. The nature of the working relationships within the internal organization (relationships between the team Management, relationships between the elected officials and the technicians…) and the external environment (Relationships with the City, the Department, and the whole partner's assembly), raise the question about the status of the municipal intervention, regarding the prerogatives and the boundaries. Referring to Bisontin's example, a general vision allows enlightening of the similarities and the contrasts of comparable structures. This study, approved by an "ICFR" (Industrial Convention of Formation by the Research), and laying on an interactional paradigm, allies at the same time technical approach and scientific point of view: it suggests practical recommendations and theoretical perspectives. ; Les Centres communaux d'Action sociale (CCAS), outils principaux des politiques de solidarité mises en œuvre par les municipalités, dispensent ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler une "aide facultative", en regard de l'aide traditionnelle des Conseils départementaux, chefs de file en ce domaine sur leurs territoires. À Besançon, depuis 1972, le CCAS est reconnu comme très en avance et très innovant. Mais, depuis quelques années, le sentiment d'un amenuisement de son champ d'action et de son influence se fait sentir : c'est dans ce contexte d'incertitude que l'institution ...

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