Open Access BASE2015

Moral and civic education from 1944 to 2014 ; L'enseignement moral et civique de 1944 à 2014


As an instrument of public action, the history of french moral and civic education can be seen as an effective indicator of the evolution of the spirit of the time between 1944 and 2014. He was promoted, from the immediate post-war by neo-pedagogues with, both Republican and emancipatory points of view, this teaching has been convened in 1944 to ward off "the degradation of moral conscience". Highlighted, even manipulated by emancipation ideology promotors, it was observed through the services this could get to a decidedly unitary republican morality. Held like in its early to awake national consciousness in children, it was mainly concerned with the requirement to consolidate the links damaged during the occupation, but also later, during the war in Algeria. Secondly, however, the fate that will be gradually awaiting for it between 1965 and 1984 in particular was indeed to reveal the advent of a new man, more hedonistic, more free, more vindictive and, in fact, resolutely individualistic. Despite the intervention of intellectuals anxious to see it used as railing against the excesses of postmodernism, this course will also be abolished in 1977. The « educator-state » later noting the harm of excessive individualism and ending with taking into account the unique nature of the issues contained in the management of a France more mixed than it was, will finally react symptomatising a form of french ambivalence. Thus, in the 1980s, constant hesitations about the role of moral and civic education in « together-life spirit » production will embody the obligation for politics to provide discourses beyond the classical opposition between individual and collective. ; En tant qu'instrument d'action publique, l'histoire de l'enseignement moral et civique français peut être observée comme un révélateur efficace de l'évolution subie par l'esprit du temps entre 1944 et 2014. Promu, dès l'immédiat après-guerre, par des néo-pédagogues investis d'une visée, à la fois républicaine et émancipatrice, l'enseignement moral et civique ...

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