Open Access BASE2012

ENERGY INTENSITY OF GDP IN THE LIGHT OF ENERGY POLICY OBJECTIVES IN POLAND UNTIL 2030 ; Energochłonność PKB w świetle polskiej polityki energetycznej do 2030 roku


This article attempts to present both theoretical and empirical aspects of the changes in energy intensity of GDP in Poland in relation to the European Union. The paper also discusses the objectives, activities and achievements in support of reducing the level of energy intensity of GDP. The study argues that the reduction of energy consumption in the economy should be treated as a priority and a key element of energy policy, because such conduct will support the implementation of its other goals, as well as play a key role in improving the economic efficiency of the economy and positive impact on its competitiveness on the international stage. ; Krzysztof Adam Firlej




Gaudeamus, The International Conference Hradec Economic Days 2012 - Economic Development and Management of Region, vol. II

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