Open Access BASE2010

Using Technological Interface in Vocational Education for Women in India



Skills and knowledge are the engines of economic growth and social development of any country. Countries with higher and better levels of knowledge and skills respond more effectively and promptly to challenges and opportunities of globalisation. India is in transition to a knowledge based economy and its competitive edge will be determined by the abilities of its people to create, share and use knowledge more effectively. This transition will require India to develop workers into knowledge workers who will be more flexible, analytical, adaptable and multi skilled. In the new knowledge economy the skill sets will include professional, managerial, operational, behavioural, inter personal and inter functional skills. To achieve this goals, India needs flexible education and training system that will provide the foundation for learning, secondary and tertiary education and to develop required competencies as means of achieving lifelong learning (Goel, 2009). It is further substantiated by the Human Resource Development Minister, Govt. of India, Mr. Kapil Sibal, according to him, in the next 10 years developed nations would turn to India for a young workforce. According to 2009 estimates only 5.3% of India's population is older than 65, and 63% are aged between 15 and 65 comprising the country's working population. In contrast, populations in many developed countries are ageing, and the proportion of their workforce to the retired is decreasing - largely a consequence of declining birth rates and improving health care. The US Census Bureau has projected the European Union will see a 14% decrease in its workforce by 2030 (Mishra, 2010).

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