Open Access BASE1997

"Grundbildung" als Priorität der Bildungshilfe? Zur Rolle der Weltbank


Subsequent to the World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien / Thailand (1990) the bi- and multilateral donors of international aid in education have gained relevance. . In this article an overview that delineates the political and financial developrnents with respect to the donors since Jomtien is followed by a debate about the supposed impact on national education policies as well as the hegemonic importance of the World Bank in this respect, examplified in the framework of non-formal education projects. The discussion of both the 1995 education policy paper of the World Bank, "Priorities and Strategies for Education", as well as critical reactions to it will be embedded into own experiences of one of the authors made in the context of an empirical study and an education aid project (both with respect to Senegal): Is the World Bank, in the end, better than its reputation? (DIPF/orig.)

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