Open Access BASE2017

Discourse of Insults and Abuse: Donbass's claims against Ukraine. ; Дискурс обид и оскорблений: претензии Донбасса к Украине. ; Дискурс кривд та образ: претензії Донбасу до України


The Article is dedicated to the study of the problematic issues of the EastUkrainian conflict. The Article proves that the conflict has a complex nature, including the discursive one. One of the sources in which the discursive methods construct and constantly "feed up" the conflict is the mass media: press, television and radio broadcasting of "people's republics", and the Internet resources thereof. In terms of content the information provided in these sources can be metaphorically described as the discourse of insults and abuse. The main claims of Donbass against Ukraine can be reduced to the following positions:1) Failure to comply with the laws of Ukraine by itself, that is, the legal voluntarism and decision-making on the basis of revolutionary expediency (overthrow of President V. Yanukovych is a coup d'état, and further political decisions of the Ukrainian authorities shall be taken by illegitimate president);2) Unacceptable organization of the Ukrainian political space and encroachment on the valuable constant of the "Russian world";3) Violation of the human basic rights - the right to life (shelling of cities L/DNR, restriction of freedom of movement and the introduction of access control in the ATO zone); 4) Ukraine's failure to comply with the provisions of the Minsk agreements (failure to comply with the eighth paragraph of this document, which relates to the stabilization of the social aspects of the society in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions - non-payment of pensions and social benefits in the territory of the republics).5) Encroachment on the sacred - the Great Victory (degradation of values of the Great Victory in the eyes both of the citizens of Ukraine and citizens of the republics);6) L/DNR economic blockade.Ukraine has to critically re-think these claims, point out to reasonableness or inconsistency, and to rationalize. Certainly, among the aforementioned provisions there are those, who want to ignore: by virtue of their hostility, their implementation is not compatible with the existence of the Ukrainian state. Others do have serious grounds. They shall be the subject of reflection although for the fact so that the content of these claims is not pushed into the collective unconscious, and would not stop in the future to build joint relations on sound grounds. ; Статья посвящена изучению проблемных вопросов восточноукраинского конфликта. В статье доказывается, что конфликт имеет сложную природу, в том числе и дискурсивную. В фокусе рассмотрения являются претензии Донбасса к Украине, которые вербализованы в прессе ОРДЛО. Претензии условно можно выделить в две группы: духовные и социальные. ; Стаття присвячена вивченню проблемних питань східноукраїнського конфлікту. В статті доводиться, що конфлікт має складну природу, в тому числі й дискурсивну. У фокусі розгляду постають претензії Донбасу до України, які вербализовані в пресі ОРДЛО. Претензії умовно можна поділити на дві групи:духовні і соціальні.




Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series рhilosophical sciences; Вестник Донецкого национального университета. Серия философские науки; Вісник Донецького національного університету. Серія філософські науки

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