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Programom Vlade Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje od 2011. do 2015. godine te Strate¬gijom razvoja poduzetništva od 2013. do 2020. godine nastao je "Poduzetnički impuls" 2015. Temeljem takvih programa postignuti su pozitivni pomaci te rast ukupnog gospo¬darstva bez obzira na gospodarsku krizu. Sektor malog i srednjeg poduzetništva za 2013. godinu pokazuje porast investicija u visini od 19,83%, čime su i ukupni prihodi porasli za 5,6%, kao i broj zaposlenih te izvoz. Zakonom o trgovačkim društvima, odnosno izmjena¬ma i dopunama, omogućeno je jednostavnije poslovanje, čime se ostvaruje porast broja otvorenih poduzeća. Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta Republike Hrvatske naglašava kako je u posljednje tri godine provedbom navedenog Zakona, otvoreno 34.198 tvrtki i 25.818 obrta. Unutar Zakona o obrtu smanjen je iznos obveznog doprinosa za 50% te je ukinut varijabilni dio komorskog doprinosa. Strategija Europa 2020 i Zajednički strateški okvir omogućuju sredstva za kohezijsku politiku Republike Hrvatske s ciljem zapošljava¬nja, povećanja energetske učinkovitosti i iskoristivosti obnovljivih izvora energije, rast ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj, ulaganje u obrazovanje te smanjenje siromaštva. Aktiv¬nostima Regionalnog centra za razvoj poduzetničkih kompetencija zemalja jugoistočne Europe podiže se svijest svakog pojedinca unutar formalnog i neformalnog obrazovanja. Cjeloživotno učenje važno je za razvoj malog i srednjeg poduzetništva kako bi se postigla što bolja učinkovitost te kako bi se zapošljavale osobe s visokom akademskom kvalifikaci¬jom. Takav obrazovni kadar u potpunosti lakše može dostići konkurentniju razinu pojedi¬nih proizvoda i usluga te učinkovitiji poslovni model u pogledu inovacija. ; The program of the Croatian Government for the period 2011 to 2015 and Entrepreneurship Development Strategy 2013 to 2020 created the "Business impulse" in 2015. Positive pro¬gress and growth of the entire sector, regardless of the economic crisis, have been achieved on the basis of such programs. Sector SMEs in 2013 shows an increase of investments by the amount of 19.83%, thus the total revenue increased by 5.6%, as well as the number of employees and the exports. Companies Act and Amendments have enabled one to run a business more smoothly resulting in an increase of opened companies. The Ministry of En¬trepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia points out that in the last three years the implementation of the above mentioned Act have resulted in opening 34.198 compa¬nies and 25.818 trades. Within the Crafts Act there has been a reduction in the amount of mandatory contributions by 50% and abolished the variable part of the chamber contribu¬tions. The Europe 2020 strategy and the Common Strategic Framework provide funds for Croatian cohesion policy in order to increase employment, energy efficiency and utilization of renewable energy, investment in research and development, investment in education, and poverty reduction. Activities of the Regional Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning SEE countries raises the awareness of formal and informal education. Lifelong learning is im¬portant for the development of SMEs in order to achieve the best efficiency, and to employ people with high academic qualifications. It is absolutely easier for educated personnel to reach a more competitive level of individual products and services, and more effective business model in terms of innovation.


Kroatisch, Englisch


University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Manage¬ment Nikola Subic Zrinski

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